FullerData.com - PJPaint
A simple colouring book program written for my younger kids (Paige and James) back in 2003, it was shareware but after all these years, I'm putting
it out there as freeware. Recompiled to use the .NET framework 4.6, it was in 2.0 and then left as-was. It uses C#/WinForms and is basically a
program built around a good old flood-fill algorithm. Just download PJPaint.zip and copy the PJPaint directory to your favourite directory.
You can also put additional colouring book images in /Book
and stamps into /Stamps
if you want to customise.
- PJPaint - Unzip and copy the directory somewhere, you may have to click an accept when you first run on Windows 10 from unknown publisher.