FullerData.com - Fortune Cookie

It started life as a little Atari ST C++ command line fortune cookie application in 1993 for floppy disk boot up - a poor mans version of the Unix fortune. It was then used for playing around with C#/.NET web services in 2001 and sat for years until it eventually died as the web site faded away. Now it re-merges as an .NET Core REST solution, hosted on Azure, again existing only to play around with some newer tech. This service is also now hooked up to a little Twitter bot (@FortuneDogsay) with an Azure LogicApp creating a new image daily (using SkiaSharp).

"It was the year of fire, the year of destruction, the year we took back what was ours. It was the year of rebirth, the year of great sadness, the year of pain, and the year of joy. It was a new age. It was the end of history. It was the year everything changed. The year is 2261; the place: Babylon 5." Babylon 5 Main Cast, Season 4 Opening in The Hour of the Wolf

Fortune Cookie REST service
Count Fortunes

Dogsay Svc
Cowsay Svc
Tuxsay Svc
Koshsay Svc
Elephantsay Svc
Sheepsay Svc
Atarisay Svc
Floppysay Svc
Darthsay Svc